Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Mission Statement

This week I have done allot of soul searching and learning about what it takes for me to succeed in reaching the goals I have set for myself. I Will do this is by making a personal mission statement my statement is this: 1. Develop a winners attitude that will enable me to know that I can finish what I set my mind to. 2. I will implement my goals based on personal responsibility only I can make my life what I want it to be.  3.I Will begin each day with a schedule to keep myself on track and I will check it at the end of the day to see what I have achieved. 4. Iwill prioritze my tasks daily so that I know what needs to be done and I will make sure assignments are turned in on time. 5. I will ask my husband to help me by gently reminding me of my goals and help me to remain accountable to my new goals so that they become habits. I feel now that I can do this because I am now more determined to finish the things I start I am excited about what I see in my future and really desire to succeed. My life seems full of opportunity and possibilities now that I never felt I had before, I never believed that I could be good at anything and settled for the life I was living. After doing a lot of these assignments, I find that they have opened my eyes about myself I know now that I can do anything I want to and having a mission statement is going to be a big help in my quest to change my life and create the life I always dreamed about.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Personal Responsibility

First off, I was quite surprised by the results of my personal assessment. My locus of control was a 2, and it showed that I was moderately pessimistic with a low self esteem. After listening to the audio lecture and reading about my results I realized some things about myself that I either ignored or just didn't realize. I always thought of myself as being more optimistic but I realized that in reality I was more or less waiting and counting on good things to happen to me instead of choosing to make those things I desired happen. I really received a lot of important eye opening information out of that assignment. As I began to read chapter 2 in the On Course book titled, Accepting Personal Responsibility, I was in for yet another surprise. I had always heard loud and clear the negative inner critic voice and I listened to that voice, believing that I was just being honest with myself. While I was being honest, at the same time I was giving into the Inner defender and then giving up altogether. I was so hard on myself and had unrealistic expectations for myself that if I failed on one task I automatically would assume that I would fail on all the rest, I would just completely give up. After reading reading this chapter I felt really motivated and excited I saw that I had been telling myself that I couldn't and wouldn't ever be able to accomplish the things my heart desired, I was so filled with fear but at the same time willing to try. My heart and mind really resonated with the statement in the chapter that said, "The essence of personal responsibility is responding wisely to life's opportunities and challenges, rather than waiting passively for luck or other people to make the choice for us." When I read that it was like a light bulb went off and I recognized that that was what I had been doing all my life. I was waiting around for what I wanted to happen happen, instead of making the choice to do what was necessary to make my life head in the direction of my desires and goals, whatever it took. Look at challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow and realize that the old saying, " If it is to be, it is up to me." Such a simple concept and now I am ready and eager to move forward and grab the bull by the horns and make my goals a reality.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week one assignment, self assessment

Results from Self-Assessment Activity from Downing OnCourse

Student:    Elizabeth McMullin

Your Score:    Self-Assessment Area:
-----------    ---------------------
    68            Score #1: Accepting Personal Responsibility
    60            Score #2: Discovering Self-Motivation
    29            Score #3: Mastering Self-Management
    44            Score #4: Employing Interdependence
    59            Score #5: Gaining Self-Awareness
    42            Score #6: Adopting Lifelong Learning
    63            Score #7: Developing Emotional Intelligence
    48            Score #8: Believing in Myself

Score Range:    Scores Within This Range Indicate...
------------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
  0 - 39        ...an area where your choices will seldom get you on course.
40 - 63        ...an area where your choices will sometimes get you on course.
64 - 80        ...an area where your choices will usually keep you on course.

1. Write about the areas on the self-assessment in which you had
   your highest scores.

By doing the self-assessment, I also learned that I... do accept responsibility for
my actions. I do not blame others for my lack of progress in my desire to have a
degree or my unhappiness of my situation in life. I feel good about the fact that I
am honest with myself because I know lying to ones self only makes reaching
your goals that much more difficult. It also makes reaching your goals a lot longer.

2. Write about the areas of the self-assessment in which you had
   your lowest scores.

By doing the self-assessment, I also learned that I...am a very disorganized
person and I think it stems from the fact that I can be a very lazy person. I am
occasionally depressed and when that happens things I need or want to
accomplish come to a complete stand still. I also allow negative thoughts and
beliefs that I have about my abilities to finish college scare me away from
finishing. I have yet to figure out why I get so scared and nervous about school,
but I really really want a degree. It has been a want of mine for a very long time.