Thursday, February 28, 2013

Emotional intelligence and Zen Flow

So, this week was interesting. I ran into some burnout and roadblocks. Actually this week and last week. So what did I do? Did I freak out? over eat? maybe both , just a little. But I alos tried to take what I learned in the EI self assesment and use it in my tough times.  Normally I would look for a way out of something that causes me to stress, even when the stress will pass and I should figure out a way to finish whatever I started on.  I still havent completely broke out of my old ways but it does take time.  So on my EI I get a 1 on self awareness. I feel that I am in touch with myself and whats going on around me and how I relate to all that. How I control my reactions in times of stress.  I get  a 5 in self managment. Like I said I have a long ways to go ont his one. I do look forward to implementing what I have learned to help myself overcome certain pitfalls that keep me from managing myself in the best ways.  I get a 1 on social awarness, I am so good at assesing peoples moods and trying to help them overcome and deal with whatever negative emotions that they may be experiencing.  I get a 5 on relationship management. Mostly because I tend to be a hermit. A complete hermit, I can only take people in small doses, I never used to be like this, I was the total opposite, a social butterfly, a helper to all in need. I did have a life changing experience that I feel caused me to step away from people, I need to change this, for my profession that I want to go into but in a way I rather enjoy the thought of moving to a remote cabin in the woods and doing a Phycologist radio show. I can still help people, but be away too lol. With that being said and the second part of this assignment is  part of the reason I will tell you about my moment of total flowwww. The moment in time I remember the best as being completely absorbed and time was a theory that did not exsist was when I was in the mountains and I was just sitting there thinking about my life, and my decisions and where I wanted to be.  This sense of absolute peace and happiness flooded my body and I felt like I was capable of doing anything at that moment.  The cabin in the remote wilderness appeals to me because of the beauty and peacefullness.  This combo makes me feel like I can accomplish anything I want to. I can be creative, I can work with clarity and revel in the tasks at hand, whatever that may be. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Learning Tips

So, this week , I learned about the way the right side of the brain works versus the left side. Like right brained people are more apt to be creative in the arts and left brains are more able to think analytically. I had to wonder since I'm neither artsy nor particularly good at figuring out algebra.  This should not stop anyone from trying to improve either side and exercise the old thinker.  Especially since I have started at APOU, I feel more in control of my abilities to do the things I thought I couldn't do.  It goes with the study tips I listened to, I listened to achieving your goals and learned how important it is to start with baby steps and celebrate those small, attainable victories then gradually increase to bigger goals.  I also wanted to try to better my vocabulary. So the two study tips on building your vocabulary was especially helpful. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Powerful Questions

I don't normally think about these things over much, I mean, I do think about my future but not in any real depth. I have always been a go with the flow and figure it out if I have to. So, all this deep self examination has not come easy at all for me. I have really had to dig deep to even think of anything that sounded academic-ish. So, here I go, My first set of questions about future came out like this; 1. How do I want to use my degree? assumption: I will get a degree. 2. After receiving my degree, how do I envision my life changing? assumption: earning a degree will definitely change my life. 3. What new opportunities will open up for me? assumption: I will have more opportunity in my life due to having a higher education.  My questions I ask myself during my time in studies at apou; 1. Is this the right degree for me? Assumption: uncertainty 2. Do I feel fulfilled by what I am learning? assumption: My classes have meaning. 3. Am I applying what I am learning to my everyday life and finding it to be useful? assumption: The assignments are designed to help me grow as a person. Questions I ask those people who are closest to me; 1. Are you satisfied with what you have accomplished thus far in your life? assumption: you are responsible for your happiness in your life. 2. Do you know what Gods purpose for your life is? assumption: God has a purpose for all humans. 3. Do you recognize your natural talents and use them for the greater good? assumption: all humans have been blessed with natural gifts and talents.  Bonus question, do you believe in Sasquatch? lol. just kidding. So on to my Curiosity Challenge, I scored a 16 in stretching and a 12 in embracing. I do like to seek out new knowledge and experiences as long as they are my choosing. I am only willing to embrace new things, again if it's a new thing I want to try. I am trying, it's hard, because I already want to freak out over the APA format papers!! eek! those kinds of papers scare me they seem so difficult and intimidating. I will try to embrace them.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vital Friends

This week I learned alot about my own strengths and those of my vital friends. I learned the role that these peole play in my life, there is not many, only one very close friend. My friend Desi, is my best friend and we have so much in common. We think alike and act a like, in the role of builder she helps me so much, builds me up and encourages me to keep on going when I want to throw in the towel and quit.  Desi is also my champion, always there cheering me on, we both have the same beliefs she is totally a loyal friend and I can trust her completely.  She is my collabroator, we have the same interests and enjoy the same things.  Desi is like my own energizer bunny always up and happy.  She challenges my mind and helps me to explore new avenues of thought.  My top five strengths were Individualization, input, learner, intellection, and context. I agree with these as being my top five but I also thought that I should have had harmony and peace in there as well. I really dont see any conflicts with my strengths. Others may think Im to introverted because I am often quiet as a result of constantly thinking and studying other people but when approached I am very friendly.