Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vital Friends

This week I learned alot about my own strengths and those of my vital friends. I learned the role that these peole play in my life, there is not many, only one very close friend. My friend Desi, is my best friend and we have so much in common. We think alike and act a like, in the role of builder she helps me so much, builds me up and encourages me to keep on going when I want to throw in the towel and quit.  Desi is also my champion, always there cheering me on, we both have the same beliefs she is totally a loyal friend and I can trust her completely.  She is my collabroator, we have the same interests and enjoy the same things.  Desi is like my own energizer bunny always up and happy.  She challenges my mind and helps me to explore new avenues of thought.  My top five strengths were Individualization, input, learner, intellection, and context. I agree with these as being my top five but I also thought that I should have had harmony and peace in there as well. I really dont see any conflicts with my strengths. Others may think Im to introverted because I am often quiet as a result of constantly thinking and studying other people but when approached I am very friendly. 

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